GSF Server

The GSF server object is used to connect to the server and retrieve information about available services and jobs.

class gsf.server.Server(server=None, port='9191')[source]

The GSF server connection class.


Import the modules for the example.

>>> from gsf import Server

Connect to the GSF server and print information.

>>> server = Server('localhost','9191')
>>> print(type(server))
<class 'gsf.ese.server.Server'>
>>> print(, type(
('localhost', <type 'str'>)
>>> print(server.port, type(server.port))
('9191', <type 'str'>)

Investigate available services.

>>> services =
>>> print(services, type(services))
([u'IDL', u'ENVI'], <type 'list'>)

Investigate jobs on the GSF server.

>>> job = server.job(1)
>>> print(job.results)

Returns the GSF Job object based on the job_id. See GSF Job for more information.

Parameters:job_id – The job_id for which to retrieve job information.
Returns:GSF Job object

Returns the server hostname.

Returns:a string

Returns the server port number.

Returns:a string

Returns the GSF Service object based on the service_name. See GSF Service for example.

Parameters:service_name – The service to connect to.
Returns:GSF Service object

Returns a list of available services.

Returns:a list

GSF Service

The GSF service object connects to a GSF Service and its tasks.

class gsf.service.Service[source]

The GSF Service connection class.


Import the modules for the example.

>>> from gsf import Server
>>> from pprint import pprint

Connect to the GSF server and the retrieve the ENVI service.

>>> server = Server('localhost','9191')
>>> service = server.service('ENVI')
>>> print(type(service))
<class 'gsf.ese.service.Service'>

Investigate service information.

>>> print(service.description, type(service.description))
('ENVI processing routines', <type 'str'>)
>>> print(, type(
('ENVI', <type 'str'>)
>>> tasks = service.tasks()
>>> pprint(tasks)

Returns a description of the service

Returns:a string

Returns the name of the service

Returns:a string

Returns a GSF task object. See GSF Task for example.

Param:task_name: The name of the task to retrieve.
Returns:a GSF Task object

Returns a list of task names available on this service

Returns:a list

GSF Task

The GSF task object provides task information and can submit a job to the GSF server with input.

class gsf.task.Task(uri=None)[source]

The GSF Task object connects to a GSF Task and its parameters.


Import the modules for the example.

>>> from gsf import Server
>>> from pprint import pprint

Connect to the GSF server, and then retrieve the SpectralIndex task.

>>> server = Server('localhost','9191')
>>> service = server.service('ENVI')
>>> task = service.task('SpectralIndex')
>>> print(type(task))
<class 'gsf.ese.task.Task'>

Investigate task information.

>>> print(task.uri, type(task.uri))
('http://localhost:9191/ese/services/ENVI/SpectralIndex', <type 'str'>)
>>> print(task.description, type(task.description))
('This task creates a spectral index raster from one pre-defined spectral
index. Spectral indices are combinations of surface reflectance at two
or more wavelengths that indicate relative abundance of features of
interest.', <type 'str'>)
>>> print(task.display_name, type(task.display_name))
('Spectral Index', <type 'str'>)
>>> task_parameters = task.parameters
>>> pprint(task_parameters)

Submit a job to the GSF Server. See GSF Job for details on waiting for job to complete.

>>> input_raster = dict(url='http://localhost:9191/ese/data/qb_boulder_msi',
>>> parameters = dict(INPUT_RASTER=input_raster,
                      INDEX='Normalized Difference Vegetation Index')
>>> job = task.submit(parameters)
>>> print(type(job))
<class 'gsf.ese.job.Job'>

The task description

Returns:a string

The display name of the task

Returns:a string

The name of the task

Returns:a string

A list of the task parameter definitions. Each task parameter is a dictionary containing, but not limited to, the following keys:

Key Data Type Type Description
name string Required The name of the parameter
display_name string Required The display name of the parameter
type string Required The parameter data type
direction string Required Can be input or output
description string Required The parameter description
required bool Required Indicates if the parameter is required on input when submitting a job
dimensions string Optional Indicates if the parameter is an array if set. Dimesions is of the format [dim1,dim2,...]
choice_list list Optional A list of available choices for the parameter input
min type Optional The minimum value allowed for the parameter
max type Optional The maximum value allowed for the parameter
Returns:a list of parameter dictionaries

Submits a task to the server asynchronously

Parameters:parameters – A dictionary of key-value pairs of parameter names and values. The dictionary serves as input to the job.
Returns:GSF Job object

The unique identifier of this task

Returns:a string


A GSF job object is returned from the GSF Task submit method and is used to query job status and retrieve job results.

class gsf.job.Job[source]

A GSF Job object connects to a GSF Job and its status.


Import the modules for the example.

>>> from gsf import Server
>>> from pprint import pprint

Connect to the GSF server, retrieve the SpectralIndex task, and submit a job.

>>> server = Server('localhost','9191')
>>> service = server.service('ENVI')
>>> task = service.task('SpectralIndex')
>>> input_raster = dict(url='http://localhost:9191/ese/data/qb_boulder_msi',
>>> parameters = dict(INPUT_RASTER=input_raster,
                      INDEX='Normalized Difference Vegetation Index')
>>> job = task.submit(parameters)

Wait for job to be done.

>>> job.wait_for_done()

Investigate job information and results.

>>> print(job.job_id, type(job.job_id))
(42, <type 'int'>)
>>> print(job.status, type(job.status))
('Succeeded', <class 'str'>)
>>> print(job.results,type(job.results))
({ 'OUTPUT_RASTER': { 'auxiliary_url': [ 'http://localhost:9191/ese/jobs/42/envitempfileFriJul151817462016242_1.hdr'],
                 'factory': 'URLRaster',
                 'url': 'http://localhost:9191/ese/jobs/42/envitempfileFriJul151817462016242_1.dat'}}, <class 'gsf.dict.Dict'>)

Submit a job that will fail.

>>> input_raster = dict(url='http://localhost:9191/ese/data/doesnotexist',
>>> parameters = dict(INPUT_RASTER=input_raster,
                      INDEX='Normalized Difference Vegetation Index')
>>> job = task.submit(parameters)

Wait for job to be done.

>>> job.wait_for_done()

Investigate job information and results.

>>> print(job.job_id)
>>> print(job.status)
>>> print(job.results)
>>> print(job.error_message)
'Invalid value for parameter: INPUT_RASTER. Error: File: ...

Returns the job error message

Returns:a string

Returns the job_id

Returns:an integer greater than 0

Returns a percentage of job completion

Returns:an integer between 0 and 100

Returns the job progress message

Returns:a string

Returns the output parameter results as a dictionary where each key is the output parameter name. The value depends on the parameter type.

Returns:a dictionary

Returns the current job status. Status can be “Succeeded | Failed | Accepted | Started”

Returns:a string

Blocks execution until the job status message is either Succeeded or Failed.


GSF Errors

Defines exceptions for the GSF package.

exception gsf.error.JobNotFoundError[source]

Exception gets raised when the user has passed in an incorrect job number.

>>> from gsf import Server
>>> server = Server('localhost','9191')
>>> job = server.job(-1) # job_id must be integer greater than 0
>>> print(job.status)
# traceback information
gsf.error.JobNotFoundError: HTTP code: 404, Reason: Not Found
exception gsf.error.ServerNotFoundError[source]

Exception gets raised when the user has passed in an incorrect net location (host:port).

>>> from gsf import Server
>>> server = Server('doesnotexist','9191')
>>> print(
# traceback information
gsf.error.ServerNotFoundError: [Errno 11004] getaddrinfo failed
exception gsf.error.ServiceNotFoundError[source]

Exception gets raised when the user has passed in an incorrect service name.

>>> from gsf import Server
>>> server = Server('localhost','9191')
>>> service = server.service('doesnotexist')
>>> print(
# traceback information
gsf.error.ServiceNotFoundError: HTTP code 400, Reason: Bad Request
exception gsf.error.TaskNotFoundError[source]

Exception gets raised when the user has passed in an incorrect task name.

>>> from gsf import Server
>>> server = Server('localhost','9191')
>>> service = server.service('ENVI')
>>> task = service.task('doesnotexist')
>>> print(
# traceback information
gsf.error.TaskNotFoundError: HTTP code 404, Reason: Not Found