Source code for gsf.job

A GSF job object is returned from the GSF Task submit method and is used to query job status and retrieve job results.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from string import Template
from .gsfmeta import GSFMeta
from .utils import with_metaclass

[docs]class Job(with_metaclass(GSFMeta, object)): """ A GSF Job object connects to a GSF Job and its status. :Example: Import the modules for the example. >>> from gsf import Server >>> from pprint import pprint Connect to the GSF server, retrieve the SpectralIndex task, and submit a job. >>> server = Server('localhost','9191') >>> service = server.service('ENVI') >>> task = service.task('SpectralIndex') >>> input_raster = dict(url='http://localhost:9191/ese/data/qb_boulder_msi', factory='URLRaster') >>> parameters = dict(INPUT_RASTER=input_raster, INDEX='Normalized Difference Vegetation Index') >>> job = task.submit(parameters) Wait for job to be done. >>> job.wait_for_done() Investigate job information and results. >>> print(job.job_id, type(job.job_id)) (42, <type 'int'>) >>> print(job.status, type(job.status)) ('Succeeded', <class 'str'>) >>> print(job.results,type(job.results)) ({ 'OUTPUT_RASTER': { 'auxiliary_url': [ 'http://localhost:9191/ese/jobs/42/envitempfileFriJul151817462016242_1.hdr'], 'factory': 'URLRaster', 'url': 'http://localhost:9191/ese/jobs/42/envitempfileFriJul151817462016242_1.dat'}}, <class 'gsf.dict.Dict'>) Submit a job that will fail. >>> input_raster = dict(url='http://localhost:9191/ese/data/doesnotexist', factory='URLRaster') >>> parameters = dict(INPUT_RASTER=input_raster, INDEX='Normalized Difference Vegetation Index') >>> job = task.submit(parameters) Wait for job to be done. >>> job.wait_for_done() Investigate job information and results. >>> print(job.job_id) 43 >>> print(job.status) Failed >>> print(job.results) {} >>> print(job.error_message) 'Invalid value for parameter: INPUT_RASTER. Error: File: ... """ def __str__(self): props = dict(job_id=self.job_id, status=self.status, progress=self.progress, progress_message=self.progress_message, error_message=self.error_message, results=self.results) return Template(''' job_id: ${job_id} status: ${status} progress: ${progress} progress_message: ${progress_message} error_message: ${error_message} results: ${results} ''').substitute(props) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __unicode__(self): return self.__str__() @abstractproperty def job_id(self): """ Returns the job_id :return: an integer greater than 0 """ pass @abstractproperty def status(self): """ Returns the current job status. Status can be "Succeeded | Failed | Accepted | Started" :return: a string """ pass @abstractproperty def progress(self): """ Returns a percentage of job completion :return: an integer between 0 and 100 """ pass @abstractproperty def progress_message(self): """ Returns the job progress message :return: a string """ pass @abstractproperty def error_message(self): """ Returns the job error message :return: a string """ pass @abstractproperty def results(self): """ Returns the output parameter results as a dictionary where each key is the output parameter name. The value depends on the parameter type. :return: a dictionary """ pass @abstractmethod
[docs] def wait_for_done(self): """ Blocks execution until the job status message is either Succeeded or Failed. :return: None """ pass